Document Control Software Features

Document management systems (DMS) allow users to store documents in a central location, search through them, and share them with others. They also provide tools that let you organize and manage your documents, so you can easily access them when needed.

File Management

There are several different file management features available in DMS software. You should consider these features before choosing a DMS solution.


One of the most common uses of a DMS is to search through documents stored within it. This feature allows users to quickly find any file by searching for its name or contents. It also provides a preview of each file so users can see what’s inside without having to open them first.


There are several different ways to share files with others. You can use email attachments, cloud storage services, or even social media platforms. However, these methods aren’t secure enough for sensitive data. That’s why some organizations turn to document control software. These programs allow users to securely store and manage files online. They provide access controls, encryption, and other features to ensure that only authorized people can view or edit files.


If you need to keep sensitive documents safe, then you should consider using a document control solution. It allows you to easily share files with colleagues while protecting them from unauthorized access. This means that you can safely send confidential documents without worrying about whether they will end up in the wrong hands.